Somos uma empresa composta por Consultores de Imigração e Representantes Educacionais. Nosso objetivo é ajudar os alunos a alcançar seus objetivos educacionais no Canadá, oferecendo programas de ESL, post-graduate e bacharelado.

Oferecemos assistência e orientação para estudar no Canadá

Requirements and structure of the Canadian educational system;
Current study programs, availability, and admission requirements;
Registration process and acceptation letters from the institutions we have agreements with.
Estimated personal and tuition expenses, as well as information about living in Canada.
The Canadian government allows students to alternate their classes with a work schedule in order to apply the knowledge gained from courses and practice English. Studying and working enables students to develop skills that can bring back to their home country and compliment their experience of living in Canada. Depending on the study program, the next list is just a few options for students to work:
Work on-campus.
Internships and Co-Op programs.
Work off-campus.
Working permit after completing a program.
In comparison to other countries, those students with a family can request a working permit for their partners only if the couple has a Free Union status.
Note: Not all the study programs allow international students to work.
Immigration consultants at Alternativa Canada work closely with students to assist and guide them with immigration laws that apply to their cases.
Our accreditations and experience allow us to provide immigration advice to international students.
In your country of residence, you can get advice on:
Immigration implications for international students.
Assistance in the process and processing of visas.
In Canada, we provide students different services such as:
Study permit extensions.
Restauration of status in case of loss.
Issuing of work permit during and after the completion of study programs.
Transferring to other educational institution without risking the student’s legal status.
Assistance to process the Canadian Express Entry application after culminating study programs and meeting all the requirements.
Assistance to process Permanent Residence applications to those that meet the requirements.

Qualquer consultor ou agente educacional pode fornecer conselhos de imigração e oferecer orientação em sua inscrição?
Um agente estudantil, representante da faculdade ou mesmo um recrutador pode ajudar os alunos com suas inscrições. No entanto, se o aluno precisar de ajuda com sua inscrição e quiser orientação sobre o processo, ele precisará contratar uma consultoria de imigração certificada pelo governo canadense.
Na Alternative Canada, conhecemos todos os requisitos legais e os aspectos práticos de estudar no Canadá. Nós nos concentramos em estabelecer expectativas realistas sobre as possibilidades de obter um visto de estudante. Também é importante saber que a lei federal canadense exige que um consultor seja certificado pelo Conselho Regulador de Consultores do Canadá – ICCRC